Why on earth would I start yet another blog and what kind of a name is Niparay boho? Niparay is the name of the farm I grew up on and boho as we know is short for bohemian. The very definition of the word evokes a rather interesting response in me, perhaps because the definition below taken from the Urban Dictionary sums me up, at least partially. The bit about weed definitely isn't me though.!!
somebody who leads an alternative lifestyle, they are not hippies
because they can have an extremly wide range of different tastes in
music, fashion, art, literature etc they are usually very creative
people. they are above all optimists, even if they can be very cynical
too(it does make sense...sort of). they like wearing a mixture of weird
clothes and mix different fashions together just for the heck of it.
they like weed. generally very laid back and relaxed......"
I think I prefer the explanation below. Not that I'm a Gypsy or Wanderer at least not physically anyway although often in my head.

I think I prefer the explanation below. Not that I'm a Gypsy or Wanderer at least not physically anyway although often in my head.
Source: media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com |
Perhaps turning 50 has been the catalyst for letting it all hang out, for allowing myself to think differently, at times unconventionally and making no apologies for that. Blogs are probably written for self indulgent reasons, this one certainly is. My other blogs, Standing Up While Falling Down was written at a time when I was struggling with depression which still stands as a worthy and important part of my blogging experience and Ungardened Moments is where most of the "normal" stuff is written. This blog I hope will be about those parts of life that are not so conventional, be it topics of discussion, food, clothing, craft, decor, whatever. Perhaps it will be a development of thought processes, the realisation of what is most important in life.
This blog will contain a goodly amount of colour because that is one thing I'm passionate about, colour, beauty and creativity all in a heady and most definitely disorganised approach.
In this first post I'm including some photos from my huge collection of pins on Pinterest aptly titled Bohemian and I warn you they will feature rather heavily in this blog.
source: http://t-a-h-i-t-i.tumblr.com/ |
Source: gallery.apartmenttherapy.com |
How can a scrappily red painted, dare I say shabbified item furniture for storage and display evoke such an emotional response from me? Perhaps it's the combination of other elements in this room such as the bold floral curtains and nick knacks somewhat carelessly displayed that bring it all together. Although to the untrained eye this decor may look haphazardly put together, I'm sure there is perfect order in the chaos. Let me leave you with those word and make of them what you will, "perfect order in the chaos".
Happy wanderings,
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