Saturday, 22 April 2017

Letting go

Letting go is hard, for me that is.  In a recent burst of creativity, I wrote a poem about the clutter in my life and the way it frustrates me.  As I was writing and the words spilled out onto the page, I wrote about letting go of that which doesn't serve me anymore.  I must have seen the the quote below somewhere and it popped out of my sub conscious mind and onto paper.

 Coming to the realisation that there is a time for all things and all things have a time and it's absolutely o.k. to let them go when they've been done with has been something of a revelation.  It makes perfect sense rationally but on an emotional level, very hard to carry out.  In order to be free the clutter in my mind, life and personal living space, it needs to be relegated to a place far away from me.  It's served it's purpose, whatever that was, it's now past and gone and the quote below indicates active participation to find peace of mind.

 I'm feeling rather impatient to get to this freeing and peaceful place but the realisation that a life time of habits will not dissipate with wishful thinking and one decluttering session, but it is a start.

As I look forward to a caravan road trip with hubby for the next two weeks, I'm hopeful that my resolve for a clutter free existence won't wash away with the distractions of new vistas and experiences.  Perhaps the simplicity in and of nature will re-enforce the calmness I'm seeking.


Sunday, 16 April 2017


Last November 2016 I realised I was stuck.  Stuck in a rut of never achieving what I wanted to achieve.  I'm still stuck but at least I know what is causing it and recognise it's going to be a work in progress to get out of.

My rut is my clutter.  I've been reading a lot of books about clutter and the psychology behind it.  I'm not sure I fully understand it because I haven't got rid of it and am still living with it.  All I know is that it stops me from doing what I love because it's become a heavy burden to bear.

There are two conflicting sides of my personality.  One side has this need for organisation, everything to have a place or home and to look neat and tidy.  The other side, the creative, artistic side can't live without colour, cosiness, bits and pieces that mean much to me and bring me joy.


How to find the balance is the hard part because to deny the two sides of my personality is just not going to happen. 

I found the above image on Pinterest and the explosion on the right side is what happens to me on a daily basis but it's suppressed mightily by elements on the left such as "I am order" as opposed to "I am everything I wanted to be" on the right.  The right side craves to be heard but the left side suppresses the voice of the right side leaving me one frustrated person.

My desire is to live a vibrant, colourful, creative life with order and not chaos which irritates me.  Can one live with the other?  I'm on a mission to find out.
